A study of Degas' dancers - Sketched in pastels.

My husband's tools and my toddler son's tools and a rollerskate - Multi-media.

An exercise in monochromatic color - a pile of teddy bears. Painted in acrylic.

One of my early perspective drawings of our living area in our home in Maywood, IL years ago. Our little girl was 2 years old back then and her toys were a regular part of our rooms - the monster was a cutout decoration for Halloween but he looks like he's showing for a tea party in the drawing.

One of my favorite figure drawings - mixed media on colored paper. This was the only piece that would be framed and hung in a downtown Madison, WI art gallery.

I am a hopeless romantic when it comes to learning about how art was done in antiquity. I had the unique opportunity to learn how to paint 'al fresco' at the UW-Madison under the instruction of the late Professor Tony Rajer, a world-renowed conservationist, who took the class step-by-step through the process of fresco painting, the method by which Michaelangelo painted the Sistene Chapel ceiling. Here I was mimicking ancient Roman wall painting-style and painted my kids and my nephew, all who have their pet family names beneath their images.

I am a big fan of stained glass windows and during one summer, I took advantage of a stained glass class in Madison, WI taught by a professional. I enjoyed the class so much I walked away wishing I could make more of them, but I had to return to my college studies.